"I am honoured to have Dante D’Andrea as a friend, Influencer & Mentor on LinkedIn. I highly recommend Dante as a Super LinkedIn Influencer and an example of true leadership in his expert field. It is people like Dante who inspire other people to become leaders and influencers!! Without mentors and influencers like Dante, the long road to influencer status on LinkedIn will be a harder journey." 

"Time is the most valuable commodity and most expensive gift anyone can give you and Dante has given me exactly that!! I salute and thank you, my dear friend. LinkedIn starts with your first connection and providing you are as much a giver as a taker - you will be recognised by people and Influencers such as Dante."

Your Network = Networth!! Keep networking 🚀🎯👏

Phillip J Mostert

Vice President at Fio Capital

Senator, World Business Investment Forum South Africa

"Dante is a remarkable person, with a passion for strategy and business. He is a pleasure to work with and goes the extra mile. I warmly recommend Dante with his high calibre of character, which sets him apart from most."

Shmily Liang

Business Owner

"I can highly recommend Dante! He's a remarkable marketing talent with an eye for not only growing his brand, but also seeking opportunities to grow the businesses he's involved with."

Bianca Van Rooyen

Branch Manager at Elvey 

"Thank you Dante D'Andrea for this absolute masterpiece! Thank you for capturing our essence."

Ravenwood Stables

"I am truly greatful to connect. I must acknowledge that you are such a down to earth person despite being a renown LinkedIn influencer. Your vibrant aura sends positivity even through digital platforms!"

Ankush Sharma

Co-Founder & CTO, Behind Methods